Louisa’s Anti Aging Tip: Rejuvenating Exercise

Weight resistance exercises and getting eight hours of sleep nightly can help increase the production of natural growth hormone (HGH) in our bodies. When you increase HGH, you can actually promote anti-aging and will look and feel younger.

Additionally, it will slow down the production of cortisol. High cortisol production is the cause of fat deposits in the midriff and thighs. So be sure to keep your HGH stimulated by getting eight hours of sleep nightly and exercising daily.

I also highly recommend using a body vibration plate to speed muscle tone and drop body fat. You can do it in the privacy of your own home too. Check out more information about incredible body vibration plates and all the benefits they can offer HERE.Louisa Body Vibration Plate Workout 4

Louisa Body Vibration Plate Workout 2
Louisa Body Vibration Plate Workout 1 

If you don’t have a body vibration plate, try to fit in 45 minutes of walking or aerobic exercise, 3 times a week!

Have you been exercising religiously only to find that those last stubborn 5 or 10 pounds just won’t come off?

This of course is very frustrating – many of us obsess about it until we reach our goal. Did you know that all you need to do is 45 minutes of aerobic exercise just three days a week to burn fat and lose those stubborn pounds? The catch is….. You have to move at a specific pace to see results.

To burn fat at optimal efficiency try this simple technique:

1. After 10 minutes of exercise, stop and place your fingers on your neck or wrist and feel your pulse. Count the number of beats for 10 seconds. You‟ll need to wear a digital watch.

2. Take the number of pulses you counted during the 10 seconds and multiply them x 6. (I.E. 21 pulses x 6 = 126). To burn fat at optimal efficiency your total should equal 125 or more. In other words, if you’re not counting 21 pulses (or more) on your 10 second count, you are not burning fat at full capacity. So you’ll need to pick up your pace just a little.

3. Be sure to check your pulse every 10 minutes so you know you‟re on track. This tip REALLY works! I lost 2 pounds in a week.

Yoga is a great form of exercise and meditation.

Meditation slows down the production of cortisol, aids weight reduction and helps keep you looking more youthful. (Remember the ‘drop your shoulders and breathe exercise.) I recommend yoga for everyone, particularly women who are going through menopause, those who have difficulty sleeping, as well as for women who have hectic, stressful schedules.

Besides being one of the best stress-relievers, weight resistance exercises have been proven to rejuvenate the body by increasing HGH. After age 40, be sure to include weight resistance exercises two to three times weekly to ensure a more youthful, trim body. Weight resistance exercises stimulate the natural production of human growth hormone and help tone and tighten the body.

Regular exercise also ensures better sleep.

Getting eight hours of sleep a night is crucial to rejuvenating the body. When you sleep your body naturally releases human growth hormone.

Another popular exercise workout is Pilates which involves a series of controlled isometric or resistance movements that sculpt and define muscle, help flatten abs, firm and lift your bum, elongate legs, slim hips and tone arms. Because of its popularity, Pilates classes on the reformer are now available is most states. Classes are also much less costly than private or semi-private sessions.

Now everyone can afford Pilates, it’s not just for celebrities.

Here are my Anti Aging Secrets and Skin Care Secrets for you to enjoy reading:

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References: Look and Feel Your Best On Any Budget: Copyright 2007,2011 Louisa Maccan Graves
